We now live In a polarizing world where people believe that because someone disagrees with us on one fact, they are now our opposite or enemy in every way. Either they are with us, or against us. This publication aimed at re-humanizing the world around us, by creating a book about people’s personal views of being labeled as something, but being more than that label, a human being.
People feel as they must constantly stand for something, or are labeled as such. While we might agree with some of the topics our label is associated with, that doesn't mean that our value or character can be judged solely because of it. I am a republican, but that doesn’t mean I’m only that. Democrats, straight, LGBT+, religious, atheist, feminists, and many more surround the us, but they are more than than a single word that could describe them.​​​​​​​
My goal of this project is to share the humanity we each have, and is under attack by these “labels” we categorize each other in. By conducting interviews with others, I learned many viewpoints of those around us, and was personally able to understand the importance of diversity. 
These Forty Six pages opened my mind on the injustice and unfairness of dehumanizing and labeling others based on what we “think”. After interviewing dozens of people, I was able to see the best in thoughts, actions, and words, as well as the harsh treatment they received from those who don’t understand and won’t give time to truly listen. 
Each section began with names people in that specific category has received from others. Many of these were shocking to me. Even though I have had my fair share of name calling in my life, I was extremely mystified at the cruelty and ignorance that these words can harbor. I then went section by section and added the interview answers I had received. 
It was enlightening to see both the differences each person could have, but more amazing to see the similarities we share. Each person I interviewed had felt so isolated and judged for being themselves, and each person just wanted to feel happy have happiness around them.
I learned so much during this project and hope it can teach those how important caring for others can be. 

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