Sonatix Wellness
Sonatix Wellness is a Behavioral Health office based in Pleasant Grove Utah, that focuses on health to create lasting change. The methods used at Sonatix Wellness are research-based and go beyond traditional interventions to galvanize, cultivate, and empower patients in their pursuit of wellness. The team utilizes personally tailored modalities, including individual genetic makeup, natural supplements, pinpointed medication management, Enneagram theory, Jungian cognitive functions, and life coaching to encompass all aspects of human nature.​​​​​​​
THE Logo
For the Sonatix Logo, I researched a lot about the Enneagram theory. This study breaks down personalities into 9 unique different types that together create harmony and work together. I wanted to use the 9 personalities symbolically in my design, and thought of thriving through mental health. The metaphor of a seed growing and blooming under the nourishing environment stood out to me. For the finished logo, I included nine small buds, that also portray seeds that are beginning to grow in their own spot, but also create a wider picture that while we grow, we begin to shape those around us as well. 
For the branding style guide, I really wanted light colors that emphasize peace as well as earthly greens to depict growth. Images for web, brochures, and newsletters include scenes in nature, family, and examples of healthcare (such as genetic scientists). 

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